Conference Papers

G.A.S. Minero, P.F. Wagler and J.S. McCaskill »Electronically switchable DNA hybridization via triplex interactions« in The 18th international conference on DNA Computing and molecular Programming (DNA18) 2012.

S. Chemnitz, U. Tangen, P.F. Wagler, T. Maeke and J.S. McCaskill »Electronically programmable membranes for improved biomolecule handling in micro-compartments on-chip« in 9th International Conference on Microreaction Technology (IMRET 9) 2006, 381–382.

P.F. Wagler, U. Tangen, M. Heymann, T. Maeke, S. Chemnitz, M. Juenger, T. Palutke, J.S. McCaskill »Dynamical Multiphase Structrures In The Microsystem Approach To Artificial Cells« in The Ninth International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS), Boston, 2005, 1134-1136.

P.F. Wagler, U. Tangen, T. Maeke, S. Chemnitz, M. Juenger, J.S. McCaskill »Molecular-Systems-on-a-Chip (MSoC) Steps Forwards for Programmable Biosystems.« in Proc of SPIE Symposium on Smart Electronics, MEMS, BioMEMS and Nanotechnology, Vol 5389, 2004, 298-305.

P.F. Wagler, U. Tangen, T. Maeke, H.P. Mathis, J.S. McCaskill »Integrated BioModules composed of microfluidics and digitally controlled microelectrodes for processing biomolecules.« in 7. International Conference on Microreaction Technology Lausanne, Switzerland, book of abstracts 2003, 250-252.

S. Chemnitz, M. Jünger, T. Maeke, T. Palutke, U. Tangen, P.F. Wagler and J.S. McCaskill »Hybride mikrofluidische Biochips auf Leiterplatinen zur aktiven Manipulation und Detektion von Biomolekülen.« In J. P. Baselt, G. Gerlach (Hrsg. ), 6. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium - Sensoren für zukünftige Hochtechnologien und Neuentwicklungen für die Verfahrenstechnik,  w.e.b.-Univ.-Verl. Dresden, Vol. 20, 2003, 259-262.

P.F. Wagler, U. Tangen, T. Maeke, H.P. Mathis, J.S. McCaskill »Molecular Systems on a chip: Steps forwards for programmable Biosystems.«, in Nanofair 2003: New ideas for industry, 2003, VDI Verlag GmbH: Düsseldorf Vol. 10, 81-86.

P.F. Wagler, U. Tangen, T. Maeke, H.P. Mathis, J.S. McCaskill. »Construction of an integrated biomodule composed of microfluidics and digitally controlled microelectrodes for processing biomolecules.« in Proc of SPIE Symposium on Microfluidics, BioMEMS and Medical Microsystems 2003. San Jose, SPIE Vol. 4982,  228-234.

P. Wagler, M. Gohlke, D. van Noort, J.S. McCaskill »Three-dimensional microfluidic Systems for computation with DNA molecules.« in conference proceedings 12. Micromechanics Europe workshop MME 2001 Cork, Ireland 175-178.

B. Heller, H. Klein, C. Richter, P. Wagler, C. Fischer, G. Oehme »Photocatalysed Synthesis of substituted Pyridines.« Proceedings Ciemat, TMR; 1999, 119-124.

P. Detemple, W. Ehrfeld, P. Wagler »Microstructure Technology in Medical Applications« in The Spring Medical Device Technology Conference Proceedings 1998, 149-201.

Contact patrick.wagler(at) for queries and reports of any errors.